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An "exit stand" refers to the final stage or stand in a rolling mill line. The exit stand is used in both hot rolling and cold rolling processes, and its main function is to receive the aluminum material after it has undergone the rolling process and to prepare it for further downstream processing or for final product delivery.

Usage of Exit Stand in the Aluminum Industry:

  • Final Shaping: In the exit stand, the aluminum material is given its final shaping, ensuring that it meets the desired thickness and dimensional specifications.
  • Surface Quality: The exit stand helps in improving the surface quality of the aluminum material, ensuring that it has a smooth and uniform finish.
  • Temperature Control: In hot rolling processes, the exit stand plays a role in controlling the temperature of the aluminum material before it cools down further.
  • Tension Control: The exit stand may include tension control mechanisms to maintain proper tension in the aluminum material during the final rolling pass.

How Exit Stand Works in the Aluminum Industry:

  • Material Flow: The aluminum material passes through a series of rolling stands in a rolling mill line. Each stand progressively reduces the thickness of the material until it reaches the desired thickness.
  • Final Rolling Pass: The exit stand is the last rolling pass in the mill line. It performs the final shaping and thickness reduction of the aluminum material.
  • Temperature Control (Hot Rolling): In hot rolling processes, the exit stand helps control the temperature of the aluminum material to ensure it is at the desired temperature for further processing or cooling.
  • Tension Control: The exit stand may have tension control mechanisms to ensure that the aluminum material is properly tensioned during the final rolling pass.
  • Cooling (Hot Rolling): After the exit stand, hot-rolled aluminum may undergo controlled cooling processes to achieve specific mechanical properties.
  • Final Inspection: Before leaving the rolling mill line, the aluminum material may undergo final inspection to ensure it meets the required quality standards.

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